Converting a color image into grayscale image

Gray-scale image:
Gray-scale is a range of monochromatic shades from black to white. Therefore, a gray-scale image contains only shades of gray and no color. In a gray-scale image, the hue (apparent color shade) and saturation (apparent color intensity) of each pixel is equal to 0. The lightness (apparent brightness) is the only parameter of a pixel that can vary. Lightness can range from a minimum of 0 (black) to 255 (white) for an 8 bit gray-scale image.

Octave code:
clear all;
input_image = imread("ubuntu.jpg");
grayscale_image = rgb2gray(input_image);
figure, imshow(grayscale_image); title("Grayscale Image");

Note: Kindly load the image package before executing the code. For more information on how to load packages click here.

Color image converted into grayscale image

The functions imread() and imshow() have been discussed earlier. 
rgb2gray(): The function rgb2gray converts a digital color image into grayscale. If you closely observe the workspace, the variable created grayscale_image (grayscale image) has the class same as that of input_image (the color image) However, the dimensions of the grayscale_image are different from the input_image. The grayscale image (variable: grayscale_image) has dimension 285×285 which indicates that the grayscale image has only one channel i.e., lightness as stated earlier while the color image (variable: input_image) has dimensions 285×285×3.

As already stated a digital image is a two dimensional function of f(x,y), where x and y are spatial coordinates, and the amplitude of f at any pair of coordinates (x,y) is called the intensity of the image at that point. When x, y and the amplitude f are all finite and discrete quantities, we call the image a digital image. Let us now see how a digital grayscale image looks like:
A grayscale digital image
The first value of 255 represents the intensity of f at x = 1 and y = 1 i.e., f(1,1) = 255. The spatial coordinates x and y will vary from 0 to M and 0 to N respectively while amplitude of f can take any value from 0 to 255 for an 8 bit image (uint8 class) based on the intensity.


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