Temperature measurement
Temperature measurement Temperature measurement is carried out in the industry to know the temperature of the environment such as the temperature of the liquid in the furnace or winding of an electrical machine, and so on. Temperature is defined as a measure of the velocity of fluid particles and is a property that determines the degree of hotness or coldness or the level of heat intensity of a body. The temperature measured at absolute zero is called absolute temperature. Absolute temperature can be obtained as Absolute temperature (in Kelvin) = Thermometer reading (in degree Celsius) + 273 The various instruments which are used for measuring temperature are Thermometers Bimetallic strips Electrical resistance thermometers (RTD) Thermocouple Thermistor Thermopile and Pyrometers which can either be total radiation pyrometer or optical pyrometer Thermometers So how do we physically measure temperature? We all know that we can measure temperature...